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new goodness, deer milk.

new goodness, deer milk.

Is there a fitness fanatic who secretly lives inside you? Do you have a sweet tooth that has led to your great liking of all things too sweet? And when New Zealand comes to mind, do you too often think only about sheep?

It’s OK if you do! After all, the four-legged white and fluffy animal is everywhere - from our beautiful mountains to peaceful lakesides; quiet open roads to busy farms. As such, you would be forgiven to think all of our milk came only from sheep.

With Pāmu Deer Milk joining the eat the kiwi selections of New Zealand’s most exclusive and rarest ingredients, you can now add yet another taste of our culture to your dinner table!

“Pāmu” is a Māori word for ’to farm,’ reflecting our deep connections to the land of the Kiwi.

Naturally rich in protein and high in fat, the deliciousness and the creamy taste that comes only in deer milk is not only the perfect treat to your taste bud - it’s also the necessary complement to your workout routines in order for you to hit the ground running, especially now that gyms are beginning to reopen in Hong Kong!

As if that’s not good enough, Pāmu Deer Milk’s farm in the unspoiled and pristine South Island has continuously served as the perfect areas for deers to freely roam across its vast open fields - It’s no wonder why they’ve been recognised with the Novel Food or Beverage Award at the prestigious Massey University New Zealand Food Awards!

With great ingredients, come great food and we're here to help with that. According to Geoff Scott (sometimes known as Geoff the Chef), who’s no stranger to creating recipes with Pāmu Deer Milk, making your very own Hokkaido Milk Bread could well be the perfect use of such a special and rare ingredient. Our Pamu Deer Milk Recipe Kit contains all of the key ingredients you need to whip up a luxuriously soft batch of Hokkaido Style Deer Milk Buns. 

With double the fat content, higher protein, and a sweeter taste compared to other milk, rest assured your deliciously rich and slightly sweet bread will serve as the ultimate pleasure to your taste buds!

We can’t wait to see the pretty pictures of your kitchen success, feel free to tag @eatthekiwi_homedelivery on Instagram - happy cooking!


當提及到新西蘭時,您是否很多時都只聯想到綿羊? 的確,從美麗的山嶺到平靜的湖泊; 安靜的道路到繁忙的農場 — 這種白雪雪、軟綿綿的可愛動物在新西蘭的確無處不在。所以,衍生出「新西蘭只出產羊奶」這種想法絕對是人之常情。

eat the kiwi 現為您介紹直到目前為新西蘭獨有,出產自Pāmu的全世界第一款鹿奶,好讓你能將當地另一樣美食加到您的餐單上!


不知道您是否一個熱愛健身,但同時又愛好甜食的人呢?鹿奶含有豐富的蛋白質及脂肪,它獨有的奶滑口感及味道不只是一種味覺享受 ,亦是您運動健身時不可或缺的補充品,在健身室開始重開的這段時間尤其重要!

另外,Pāmu鹿奶來自生活在新西蘭南島的鹿隻,它們在無際的草原上自由奔走,環境潔淨且沒有污染,難怪它們獲得了久負盛名,由Massey University (梅西大學) New Zealand Food Awards所頒發的 Novel Food or Beverage Award新穎食品大獎)

上等食材是造就高質素食物的元素之一。而新西蘭大廚Geoff Scott就經常將Pāmu鹿奶加入他的食譜中,利用此上等食材來做北海道牛奶麵包簡直就是完美之配 — 記得參考我們的提供的食譜

Pāmu 的鹿奶為您提供雙倍脂肪及更高的蛋白質,喝起來亦比其他奶類製品甜,用它焗製出來的甜味麵包保證一試難忘!

eat the kiwi 很期待看到您的製成品 — 記得在 Instagram標籤@eatthekiwi_homedelivery !


new goodness, first light.

new goodness, first light.

There are 5.6 sheep per person in New Zealand, meaning lamb is quick to come to mind when we think about the Kiwi food culture. But there's a new secret we're ready to let you in on, this one more of a 'quality of quantity' situation...

Coming to your dinner table this week is First Light’s Grass-Fed Wagyu Beef.

Their story begins in Hawke’s Bay, a lovely town tucked into the eastern part of New Zealand’s beautiful North Island. With no lack of fresh water, clean air or sunshine, Jason, Greg, and Gerard - the founders - have had the ultimate advantage to build First Light upon. 

Since 2012, First Light’s Marbled Grass-Fed Wagyu Beef programme has continuously prided itself on grass feeding 100% of its animals on free-range pastures. To put that in perspective, some 95% of beef in the US market are grain-fed for up to 180 days!

Additionally, its GMO-free beef is among the few that have been named the world’s best by Forbes magazine, and can only be found in the US (where they started out serving an exclusive club of 200 lucky people), United Kingdom, France, the UAE, and now - of course - Hong Kong.

First Light beef comes from a collective of 61 farmers committed to sustainable ranching. The beef they produce is Certified Humane, Halal, and sustainably raised with no antibiotics, GMOs, or hormones, ever.

At eat the kiwi we've got a range of First Light Grass-Fed Wagyu cuts which can be delivered to your door. We'd recommend starting with the Rib-Eye, not only because of its more forgiving to over-enthusiastic cooking but because (as the First Light team put it) “If Mohammed Ali was a steak he would be a ribeye - big, confident, sassy and super cool.”

Still, procuring the right ingredients is only a small part of bringing to life the delicious meal that you deserve. Keep reading to discover the cooking tips you need for that tasty dish you’re dreaming of, courtesy of First Light.

1. Remove your Rib-Eye from the refrigerator an hour before cooking. Bringing the beef to room temperature will allow for more even cooking. 

2. Season your Firstlight Grass-Fed Wagyu with salt and pepper on both sides.

3. Sear your Wagyu in a pre-heated pan for 1.5-2 minutes each side, before moving to moderate heat to finish cooking.

For more information, click here to visit First Light’s very own recipe page, where you can find your unique journey to deliciousness.

There you have it -  next time you think about New Zealand food, perhaps it won't be all about lamb and wagyu will get some time in the limelight too.



今個星期eat the kiwi為您帶來來自First Light的草飼和牛肉。

First Light來自新西蘭北島西部的一個小鎮 —— Hawke’s Bay。當地人口稀少之餘,風景宜人,而且空氣清新。充足的陽光配上潔淨的清水,這些完美的條件為創辦人Jason、Greg和Gerard締造了得天獨厚的環境,讓First Ligh將來自新西蘭的和牛帶到世界各地。

自2012年以來,First Light的Marbled Grass-Fed Beef計劃堅持自然放養,並以草餵飼所有動物。相反在地球另外一邊的美國,高達95%的牛隻則以穀養方式餵飼多達180天!除此之外,由First Light出品,非基因改造的和牛肉更曾受福布斯雜誌公認為世界最佳選擇之一,並在世界各國出售,當中包括美國、英國、法國、阿聯酋和香港。

First Light的和牛是61個堅信可持續牧養的牧場的成果。他們的牛隻以人道方式飼養,並絕無使用抗生素,基因改造或激素。

eat the kiwi為你挑選了一系列First Light的草飼和牛肉,並提供一條龍服務,將這些上等和牛由新西蘭直接送到您家門口。眾多食材之中,我們建議您可從肉眼扒開始體驗這一系列來自新西蘭的味覺享受,因為它不僅比較容易烹調,亦正如First Light所說,「如果拳手Mohammed Ali是一塊牛肉,他將會一塊重量級、自信、而且超級酷的肉眼排。」

但想要煮出一頓讓人不能挑剔的佳餚並不可單靠優質的食材。所以,First Light亦為您帶來烹飪小貼士:

1. 在煮食前一小時將和牛從雪櫃中取出解凍

2. 用適量鹽和胡椒將和牛調味


如欲了解更多,您亦可瀏覽First Light的獨家食譜,煮出讓人垂涎三尺的好菜。

下次當您想起新西蘭,您或許會想到First Light的和牛,又或者會想起上星期介紹過的清酒。eat the kiwi總能夠一次滿足您3個願望 —— 由購買食材、運送至提供食譜,為您提供一條龍服務。

new goodness, zenkuro.

new goodness, zenkuro.

With summer comes all the outdoor activities we love - BBQ's, picnics, music festivals, boat parties, hikes and more. The pandemic took away many of these but one thing has remained constant - the ability to enjoy a refreshing summer drink (while at home of course).

So, what better timing than now to introduce you to our newest supplier, Zenkuro.

From the South Island of New Zealand, near Queenstown (best known as the ‘Adventure Capital of the World’) Zenkuro brings you just what you need to keep calm, enjoy life, and stay healthy - Premium Sake.


Zenkuro or  ‘全黑’ in Japanese - means ‘all’ (zen) and ‘black’ (kuro), and is a symbol of balanced strength, passion, pride, and determination to succeed. Sound familiar? 

That’s right - it’s also the name of our national rugby team, the All Blacks!

The Zenkuro journey began in 2014 when good pals Dave, Yoshi, Craig, and Richard brought an answer to the question “Why don’t we start New Zealand’s first sake brewery?”

That innocent question ignited their interests in finding the crossroad between their own unique connections to Japan and the place they call home, NZ. 

The team set to it and have since become integral parts of Zenkuro with varying degrees of participation and expertise.

6 years on their work of art can be found across many parts of the world, having taken it to as far as the UK (where they won multiple awards at the London Sake Challenge) and most recently Hong Kong.

The bottle of Zenkuro that appears on your table is entirely handmade, with well-polished rice mixed with pure New Zealand water from the Southern Alps. At an alcohol level of 14.5%, Zenkuro sits at the same level as a typical red or white wine, making it an easy addition to your evenings. 

As New Zealand’s “first and only” sake brewery, we have no doubt that Zenkuro will bring you a new and unique taste of New Zealand with a hint of Japan, all without having to leave Hong Kong; the adventure we've all been looking for but have had COVID hinder.

Click here to learn more about Zenkuro or click here to see the range and purchase a bottle to enjoy yourself.






Zenkuro的日文翻譯為「全部」(Zen) 和「黑色」(kuro),並象徵著力量、熱情、自豪感和成功的決心。同時,全黑隊亦是新西蘭國家橄欖球隊的名字喔!

今時今日,每一杯出廠的Zenkuro清酒均經由人手製作,並將已打磨過的大米與來自南阿爾卑斯山的純淨軟水混合在一起。 Zenkuro的酒精含量為14.5%,與市面上的紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒類似。



meet the kiwi, james.

meet the kiwi, james.

Meet James Williams, orchardist and owner of 'Williams Bros'.

'Williams Bros' name is in recognition of the generations of family who have toiled the land since 1905. The land began being used as farmland but these days they have more crops than cows!

The orchard is nested in the Manutuke valley untouched by frosts just south of Gisborne. As one of New Zealand's sunniest spots, it's perfect for growing Citrus fruits. 

Six years ago, James and his wife Kristina began planting fruit trees which are now producing mouth-watering mandarins, oranges, tangelos, lemons and limes.

Satsuma Mandarins and Sweet Navel Oranges are 2 of their specialities, suppling over 1000 tonnes a year. Most of these stay in New Zealand whilst a small amount make their way over to us in Hong Kong - how lucky are we!

magic mince tacos.


Our taste buds are our best buds and our toughest critics. When Food Nation decided to create a range of plant-powered food that is good for the people and the planet tehy knew everything had to be irresistible.

The Food Nation foodies take fresh vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, herbs and spices, and pack them together in joyous harmony. By eating more plants we can do better by our bodies, the environment and our taste buds.


Magic Mince Tacos are a Food Nation favourite, simple, tasty and a crowd pleaser every time – who knew eating all your veggies could be so much fun!



Heat a large frying pan, add about 2 Tbs of olive oil and when hot, add Food Nation Mexican Magic Mince. Break up with a wooden spoon and cook until golden brown and caramelised.

While cooking, place tortillas in a hot dry pan and warm on both sides, setting aside on a plate while you continue to cook. Meanwhile prepare your tomatoes, red cabbage, carrot, red onion, chilli, coriander and lime juice.

When your Mexican Magic Mince is nicely caramelised, place a large spoonful in a tortilla and top with the other ingredients. Finish with a squeeze of lime juice and a dash of chilli sauce. Add other Mexican favourites like avocado, sour cream or salsa for an even more deluxe version.

fish balls recipe.


Here's a lovely and simple recipe for using up any leftover mashed potato this weekend! It's been written by our pals at Wild Fennel Co and uses some of their tasty seasonings. 

These aren't the Hong Kong fish balls you might be used to, but they're equally delicious! The Wild Fennel Co fish seasoning that's used contains curry powder too, so you might notice a familiar Hong Kong Fish Ball like flavour. 


Makes around 10 fish balls. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
400g dry mashed potato⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
200g cooked salmon⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
1 egg⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
50gm plain flour⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Fistful of chopped fresh herbs⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
30g (1 sachet) Wild Fennel Co. Shellfish Seasoning⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For the crumb:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
1 bowl each of panko crumb, milk and plain flour⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
With your hands, thoroughly mix the mashed potato, salmon, egg, fresh herbs and flour together with half a sachet of the seasoning. If the mixture is too wet to roll into balls, slowly add more flour. Roll into golf ball-sized balls. Place in the fridge to firm up for half an hour. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Mix the remaining half of your Shellfish Seasoning sachet through the panko crumb. Roll each through the bowl of flour, followed by the milk, and then through the seasoned panko crumb. For a thicker crumb, repeat this process for each ball 2 or 3 times.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Fry in cooking oil on medium heat until crisp and golden. Season with salt to finish. Serve with fresh lemon wedges and dunk in an aioli. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You can spice this up by mixing the Wild Fennel Co. Pig seasoning through the aioli for a smokey spicy hit!⠀⠀

coronavirus grocery delivery update.

covid update.

We'd like you to know that you can expect the same consistent deliveries from eat the kiwi.

  • This morning we had confirmation from Air New Zealand that there will be
    no disruptions to export flights between New Zealand and Hong Kong; 
  • Our suppliers are committed to continue supporting eat the kiwi and have no problems maintaining their standard levels of high quality.

This means…

  • You can expect consistent arrival of all of your favourite products. 

If your in a situation where you're self-isolating or quarantined at home we can still deliver your groceries to your home. Just be sure to pop a note in your delivery instructions, something like 'please leave my box at the front door' will do the trick! 

We'll pop you a message upon delivery so you know when you can reach outside the door to pick it up. Our biodegradable/ HDPE Wool Cool insulating lining will help to ensure everything stays frosty fresh until you get your hands on it. 

The unprecedented situation is evolving day by day but we’re confident consistency is not a problem. This said, we’ll keep you updated on any necessary changes to our service!

See you soon!

Manuka honey lemon ginger tea recipe.

honey lemon ginger tea.

Whether your down with the flu or not, a lemon honey ginger tea is always a good idea. Not only does it help to soothe a sore throat and calm an unsettled belly it's also beneficial in eliminating water retention and boosting your metabolism!

Lemon is a natural diuretic. This means that it helps to purge water that your body is retaining. Lemon also freshens your breath, boosts your immunity, improves your skin, and helps with digestion - nice!

Ginger works as a detoxifier, helping remove unwanted chemicals from your body. It is also known to improve digestion and keep your metabolism fired-up all day. 

Put these two power-packed ingredients together and you have a Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe that can get your body back on track in no time. But why not step it up a notch with our beloved Manuka? To see the benefits of Manuka, click here, you'll also learn how to create a facemask to enjoy while your drinking your tea!

Manuka Honey Lemon Ginger Tea

1 cup fresh lemon juice (about 6 lemons)
1 tablespoon Honey
100g ginger

1. Squeeze lemon juice into a saucepan
2. Add 1 Tablespoon manuka honey
3. Grated the ginger then squeeze over the saucepan to collect the juice. Add ginger remains to saucepan. 
4. Bring the pot to boil, turn down and leave to simmer for 5 minutes. 
5. Strain through a sieve or muslin cloth. 
6. Store tea concentrate in an airtight jar. 

To Serve: Add a tablespoon of the tea concentrate to a mug, add a teaspoon of manuka honey (add more if you prefer a sweeter tea) and top up with boiling water. 




Hong Kong's Safest Eggs.

hong kong's safest eggs.

We can confidently say that eat the kiwi have the safest eggs in Hong Kong if not the World. Woah, bold statement... we know! How can this be? It comes down to geography.

All the way at the bottom of the earth sits New Zealand, the land of the long white cloud. Keep heading south and you'll hit Antarctica (permanent population, 0). 

New Zealand's position makes it is the most isolated country on earth. Whilst this contributes to fresher air, lusher pastures and an abundance of clean water it's something else that makes our eggs so safe.

New Zealand is one of the only countries to fall outside the migration routes of birds that carry Avian Influenza.
The world's safest eggs are from New ZealandThat's right, the bird flu doesn't exist in New Zealand. In a world riddled with flu right now, it's reassuring to know New Zealand's safe from something.  

In addition to being avian flu-free, our eggs come from healthy hens who have 24/7 access to warm sunshine, clean fresh air and lush green pastures. No antibiotics, no pesticides, no artificial colour.

With naturally strong shells and rich golden yolks, they look great, taste delicious and are better for your body too. The goodness inside the eggs gets passed onto you. Higher omega-3's, minerals and vitamins help you build a fighting fit immune system. 

In addition to the fact that our eggs are flu-free, they're also sanitised. Hens only have one exit hole and the bacteria left on an un-sanitised egg can be as harmful as raw chicken.

Both Frenz eggs and Woodland eggs are hygienically washed, dried and UV sanitised to produce a germ-free exterior. Finally, the eggs are coated in a natural oil to prevent bacteria from entering the internal egg through the porous shell.

And there you have it, the safest eggs in the world. 

Manuka honey for 1 ingredient face mask.

1 ingredient honey mask.

The 'current situation' has so many of us breaking out like teenagers following extended hours of wearing our latest compulsory fashion accessory, the facemask. 

We're here to help combat that with a different type of face mask...

Do you like clear, glowing, soothed and moistured skin? If so, you'll like this mask. It's only 1 ingredient too. The mask uses manuka honey (which is free this month!). 

Manuka honey is a special type of honey that comes from bees collecting nectar from the Manuka plant. The plant is native to New Zealand so, all real Manuka honey comes from New Zealand. The flowers bloom very rarely making it especially rare. Lucky for us, the bee's know what to do. They know exactly where and when they can find the flowers - nice! 

All honey contains a naturally-occurring enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide. It's this that has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Manuka's properties take this to the next level. It's especially powerful honey with antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Sounds magic right? It is. 

So back to the fact that Manuka's not just tasty but for our skin.

For years Manuka has been used in a medical setting for cuts and burns. It helps to both heal and protect wounds. So why not use it on other types of skin conditions or even healthy skin?! Well, you can. 

Benefits of Manuka Honey for Skin:

1. Clear Skin - Manuka kills acne-causing bacteria 

2. Glowing Skin - the enzymes provide a gentle exfoliation for soft and glowing skin. 

3. Moisturised Skin - manuka honey is a natural humectant due to its sugar component, this means it helps to retain moisture. 

4. Soothed Skin The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of Manuka soothe your skin and reduce redness.

Bonus - Manuka honey is 100% natural. It's just honey! So you can toss out any worry about putting an unnatural or toxic product onto your skin. 

Working from home? Why not look after yourself at the same time. Here's an easy way to do that. If you're working from home, why not mask and work?

Here's how you do it:

1. Start with clean skin

2. Use your fingers to spread about 1 tablespoon of high-quality Manuka honey over your entire face in a thick layer. Cover your neck and chest too if you can - why not spread the goodness. 

3. Leave it for 20 minutes. Relax. Try not to lick your face. Have a cup of tea. Read a book. You do you!

Your body temperature will warm the honey and cause it to run so be careful and don't wear your best shirt.

4. After 20 minutes, use warm water and a cloth to wipe it off. 

5. Follow up with a moisturiser or a serum to lock it all in. 


For best results, try this mask two or three times a week. Enjoy foodies!

banana nut energy toast flat lay.

banana nut energy toast.

The best breakfast, after school snack or emergency dinner. Crunchy, creamy, sweet, and satisfying!

2 Slices Vogels Super Thick Fruit Toast
Pic's Smooth Peanut Butter
1 Banana
Kiwi Farm Manuka Blend Honey
Blue Frog Granola

Toast bread, spread with peanut butter. Top with banana slices, drizzle with honey and sprinkle over granola. Give yourself a high five and enjoy immediately. 

How tasty does that sound? How much better does it sound knowing that the Manuka Honey could be entering your pantry, for free - nice! 

For all of March 2020, we're giving you a FREE jar of Manuka Honey (usually $208) when you make an order over $500. Simply add the 'Kiwi Farm Manuka Honey Blend (500g)' to your cart and use the code MARCH at the checkout. This code is available for all customers existing and new, valid for one use per person. 

flat lay purple fruit and vegetables

immunity foods 2.

Staying healthy means more than just protecting the outside of our bodies. Food is fuel and, if we make the right choices, it's full of good stuff. Foods can help us build a strong immune system, so if the Coronavirus does come your way your body will be ready to fight.

In our first immunity foods post, we shared types of food containing bundles of Vitamin C, Omega-3's and Probiotics. But, the goodness doesn't stop there. Here are 3 more fuels that will help to strengthen our bodies from the inside out:


The obvious one here is Beef (we've got plenty of that and it's all grass-fed). Here are a few other iron-rich foods that you might not have known about:

- Clams
The iron in shellfish is 'heme iron', which your body absorbs more easily than the non-heme iron found in plants.

- Dark Chocolate - there's a whole lot of iron in dark chocolate. Ours is dairy-free too for all of Hong Kong's plant-based foodies. 
In addition, it contains prebiotic fibre, which nourishes the friendly bacteria in your gut (the same gut that houses 70% of the cells make up your immune system). 


Manuka honey has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. You'll notice that Manuka Honey often has a UMF rating. This stands for Unique Manuka Factor - the only manuka honey grading system that is licensed and audited to verify the honey is true-to-label.

To be considered potent enough for the label 'therapeutic', the UMF must be above 10. Below 10, a small teaspoon every day can help to maintain good health. 

You can see our full range of honey here. 


Blueberries are the King of antioxidants. Imagine antioxidants as the body's army. You want a solid, diverse army to protect against too many free radicals which can damage your bodies cells. Antioxidants neutralize these to protect cells, prevent illness, and reduce inflammation.

We've got a whole bunch of blueberry products frozen blueberries, organic frozen blueberries, freeze-dried blueberries and cold-pressed blueberry juice. 


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