hong kong's safest salmon.
When we think about salmon in 2020, some of us will without doubt associate the highly sought after ingredient with COVID-19 lingering on its surface. And we don’t blame you! After all, there has been no lack of reports suggesting that the novel coronavirus is capable of leaving its traces on seafood of various kinds.
At eat the kiwi, we would like to restore your confidence on our salmon, imported from two of New Zealand’s most trustworthy suppliers - Big Glory Bay and Aoraki Salmon.
For those of you who don’t know already, Big Glory Bay is an island—about the size of Hong Kong—rested amongst the pristine waters of a bay accessible only by sea, and fringed by the bush-clad shoreline of the Rakiura National Park.
Being in the part of New Zealand closest to the South Pole does give it the advantage of having cool water—averaging at just 14’C, hence allowing their King Salmon, amongst other seafood, to grow slower with ample time to develop distinctive flavours.
But that’s not it to Big Glory Bay’s story—traceability has always been their focus.
Under their partnership with Oritain, the world’s leading food origin verification providers, each of one BGB’s salmon is given a tag, which then allows for full traceability. In short, this means we can help you avoid food fraud—a true big step forward!
With COVID-19 changing the way we consume food, it only makes sense that we know exactly where our food come from. As such, eat the kiwi is also proud to let you know that our suppliers are raising their salmon in large sea pens with zero GMO feed!
New Zealand is more than just its world famous adventure capital of Queenstown, or the stunning landscapes of Milford Sound, Mt. Cook, Tongariro Alpine Crossing and their likes. When it comes to its food, this small country has left its mark as having one the world’s strictest food sustainability standards.
But what does that mean?
Let’s take Big Glory Bay as an example. In order for their salmon (and all other seafood) to reach your residence inside our eat the kiwi boxers, they have to first make sure that their growing and harvesting processes adhere to New Zealand’s traditionally strict regulations.
Amongst them are the Resource Management Act (RMA) of 1991 and the Fisheries Act of 1996. Additionally, they are also required to hold the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification, one that’s often regarded as the world’s most trusted comprehensive and proven third-party aquaculture programme.
Of course, New Zealand isn’t just home to one salmon fisher. About 670km north of Big Glory Bay is another BAP-certified supplier - Aoraki Salmon, operating their own hatchery located within the Issac Conservation Area near the Kiwi capital of Christchurch.
Their salmon are grown in the glacier-fed waters of the hydro-canals in the Mackenzie Country, where the infamous Mt. Cook (the English translation for the Māori word ‘Aoraki’) is located!
At the helm of providing you salmon (and other goodness) from New Zealand is our core belief that protecting the environment should sit at the forefront of our business. Just like Aoraki puts it, “our goal is to work with Nature and follow its lead. Respecting the place, the weather, with our ethics and our commitment to sustainability. Always.”
We at eat the kiwi have no doubt that Big Glory Bay, along with Aoraki Salmon, will continue to be Hong Kong's safest salmon, and we truly hope that you believe in the same by joining us in consuming some of the world's most recognised sustainable and 100% traceable food source.
eat the kiwi的三文魚來自新西蘭其中兩間最有信譽的供應商- Big Glory Bay 和 Aoraki Salmon,他們的三文魚絕對是品質保證,大家可以吃得安心又放心!
Big Glory Bay 是一個跟香港差不多大小的島嶼,並且只能夠通過水路到達。圍繞着島嶼的是雷奇歐拉國家公園 (Rakiura National Park),附近的海灣亦擁有着清澈的水質。
Big Glory Bay 位於新西蘭地理上最接近南極的部份,因此,當地的平均水溫只有攝氏14度!相對較低的水溫放緩了帝王三文魚的生長速度,為牠們提供了足夠時間去醞釀令人垂涎三尺的獨特味道。
除了擁有優勝的地理位置外,Big Glory Bay 亦非常注重他們食品的可追溯性。
透過與國際食品核實公司 Oritain 的合作,Big Glory Bay 的三文魚都被給予記認,以保證牠們全部都可被追溯。如此一來,您就不必擔心會落入食品詐騙的陷阱!
新型冠狀病毒或多或少改變了我們的飲食習慣,在如此關鍵的時候,清楚食品來源是非常重要的。eat the kiwi 非常自豪地告訴您,我們的供應商全都用非基因改造食物來飼養他們的三文魚!
新西蘭不只是聞名於她的渡假勝地皇后鎮 (Queenstown),或是她絕色的風景,比如米爾福德峽灣 (Milford Sound)、庫克山 (Mt. Cook)、或是湯加里羅健行步道 (Tongariro Alpine Crossing)等等。提起食物,這個小國擁有最嚴謹的食品可持續性標準。
我們就拿 Big Glory Bay 作例子。在他們的三文魚(以及其他海鮮)放入 eat the kiwi 的包裝,並送到您家門口之前,當地必須確保三文魚之養殖過程符合新西蘭傳統的嚴格標準。
新西蘭的嚴格規管包括1991年的Resource Management Act (RMA) 和1996年的Fisheries Act。此外,供應商亦必須持有被譽為全球最可靠的第三方綜合水產養殖項目- Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP)頒發之證書。
當然,坐立在新西蘭的漁場並不只一間。在Big Glory Bay向北的670公里以外,是另一家BAP認證的供應商- Aoraki Salmon。該漁場位於 Isaac 保育區內,與基督城鄰近。
Aoraki Salmon的三文魚養殖於麥坎錫區(Mackenzie County)內的水電運河,運河擁有冰冷的水源,該處亦坐立着著名的庫克山 (Mt. Cook)!*Mt. Cook 是毛利語「Aoraki」的英文譯名。
eat the kiwi堅信 Big Glory Bay 和 Aoraki Salmon 會一直是香港最安全、最能夠安心食用的三文魚,我們希望您亦能夠有相同的信念,並與我們一同選擇這些可持續發展,而且百分百可追溯來源的頂級食材。