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LUMINA BATTLE - Terms & Conditions

  1. competition, which may include costs of LUMINA lamb parts and other ingredients needed to create the dish.
  2. There will be two prizes. The winner will receive 2 x HK$500 eat the kiwi vouchers, and the first runner up will receive 1 x HK$500 eat the kiwi voucher.
  3. The winner will be decided based on the best entry by eat the kiwi team.
  4. The prizes will be mailed to the winners’ nominated shipping address.
  5. Winners will be contacted through Instagram within seven days after the closing date.
  6. The prizes are not redeemable for cash or an alternative prize.
  7. The prizes are not transferrable.
  8. Winners’ recipe might be used for our new recipe kit products.
  9. Eat the kiwi will bear postage costs of mailing the prizes to the winners’ nominated shipping address.
  10. By entering the competition, the entrant agrees to give eat the kiwi and Lumina Farms (Ltd) the right and permission to publish his/her name, Instagram account name and photos on website and social media.
  11. Eat the kiwi is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any problems or any financial costs incurred, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participants or any other persons related to or resulting from participation in this competition.
  12. Eat the kiwi accepts no responsibility and shall not be held legally liable or responsible for any accident, loss, injury or damage to any individual or property whether direct or indirect, whether in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the competition or the prizes, either during or after the competition.
Vegetarian Food Asia Info & Perks!


萬眾期待的「亞洲素食展」快到了!這是香港最大型,最全面的素食及綠色生活展覽會。屆時將會展出來自各地的素食、純素、天然、有機及綠色生活產品。Eat The Kiwi很榮幸今年能再次參與此活動。屆時,Eat The Kiwi將會展出Boring燕麥奶、The Apple Press冷壓蘋果汁、Raglan有機椰子乳酪以及Food Nation植物肉等「植物系列」產品。





1)瀏覽eat the kiwi的Facebook或Instagram專頁;
3)在「留言」部分標註以為您想一同前往素食展的朋友,以及說出一個eat the kiwi會在素食展展出的品牌。

您也可直接發送郵件給hello@eatthekiwi.com,郵件內容提及免費換領素食展門票及說出一個eat the kiwi會在素食展展出的品牌。收到郵件後,我們會儘快處理。

